Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Stagers class-this post long overdue
Just when it started to get interesting and we are back to the same posting mess. When will people learn. It isn't quantity-it's the content. I would rather have one car or computer that worked reliably than 10 that were constantly on-but really weren't worth a darn. I find it disheartening when I hear comments that I am not posting enough-"that my contributions are part of the experience" and so on-they aren't if they aren't valid-or so out of sync with the flow of "conversation" as to be irrelevant, and ignored. I contribute plenty to the synchronous-when we get one, and I read the posts and synthesize, evaluate and make my replies considered. I realize it's not worth time to post to a dead link-so do others and I can't blame them. but It's not worth MY time either. If I really believed it was of any value to rack up posts for counting as a measure of learning. I would have set up an autoblogger and autogenerated reply for all of this. Yes, it can be done-quite easily. But I AM HERE TO LEARN about reform, and technology and learning-not go through the motions using technology -but responding to the same old school bean counters tally sheet. Follow the basic rule of email. Compose your replies-THINK b4 you post-computers are fast but "people" need time.
ARP and ARP again
Well, ARP plan draft 2 is posted. Think the review was positive...can't be sure. Need to more fully develop the timeline so I can post that as well. Problem is: other than the action part-actually getting the gradebook out there, and getting the assessments ready-stuff i have in process already... I am not sure anout how to "chunk out" the cycle portion. Posted my concerns to Margaret-maybe she can help clarify..back to Lit review!
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