Below is a note from a teacher I have been working with. She has been doing projects all year with her students in elementary. The laptops she is using are older and "memory-challenged". Additionally, after an entire year of projects they have gotten fragmented and are not performing well. They need to be reimaged. Not wanting to lose the time for re-imaging, I have suggested several simple solutions. What is really cool is that one solution I discarded because I thought it would be too complicated, is the solution the teacher came up with on her own.
- Well, I solved the iMovie problem. I don't really understand what is causing the problem, the drives do have 12.53 gb of space. We are going to record in Garage Band on my computer, export an MP3 file and Import it into iMovie. It works and may even be a better way to go.
Good for you! The biggest problem with technology in education often is not the technology; it is a teacher who just gives up entirely when they encounter a glitch. If it is important to a students education, (and it is...), you work through it. "The best laid schemes, ( or lesson plans) o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley...".