Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Action Research

Been struggling with the Latest ARP draft, not so much the content as the progress. The action part.
I decided to and I have met with the building secretaries at the Elementary schools since they are the most "experienced" users of the system in general terms and have been the central repository for all grading information for report cards and such. It is likely they will be asked questions about the gradebook trial and it is only fair, (and smart) to keep them informed as well.
The response was positive and discussion did bring up some more points to consider.
One of the primary difficulties is the timing. there is only one full grading period left to use. I have done some one on one with some but not all the teachers, and still and not sure even the small group will be fully ready. This alters my plan somewhat. I will post some of the text notes I have been keeping at a later time.

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