Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Coming to the wire

Graduation is a mile away. Still going, still going. But soon!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just a thought

Education isn't an assembly line and minds aren't model T's.

From where does global change derive? How can we use global change to promote deeper learning across the globe?

Change derives from ideas generated by people anywhere and everywhere. Whether the change becomes global depends on the communication of those ideas. Once the barriers of language, culture and geography are overcome, and it has passed "the muster" to be accepted as both workable and worthy the idea can then influence change on a global level. The original idea may likely have undergone a degree of change from its inception. Communication is key.

Just as the invention of the printing press and the subsequent "renaissance of learning" it made possible; the transmission of ideas through books and postings advanced the knowledge, culture and societies of the pre-industrial globe. Later inventions of telegraph, radio, television and microwave communication made it easier to place yourself personally in a global perspective. It was still a limited means of gloabl change. Not everyone could publish and distribute books and ideas. Not everyone could be on television or use radio to reach masses of people. Global change was left to governments and the wealthy. "Grassroots" global change was like the griots of Africa, limited to word of mouth.

The Internet has made possible that grassroots global change that has previously been only a dream. An idea created by a school child in Asia or a factory worker in Indiana can be easily viewed by hundreds, even millions of people around the world.

How can this be used to promote deeper learning across the globe? At the moment it still can. The "longest journey begins with a single step" The "deeper learning" can begin with an email message, reading a blog posting by a soldier in Iraq, a journal of rain forest deforestation by villagers in Borneo or a video posted on YouTube about a massacre in Rwanda. It can be taking an online course from a prestigious university, or sharing ideas with like minded professionals in groups like LinkedIn. Wikis, blogs or Moodles, hundreds of ways and more every day. Best of all, so far, it's not the "party line" of any government. If "we-the people of the Earth" can keep it that way, free and unfettered, then global change can continue to occur. Communication is key. "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." **

**-this is usually attributed erroneously to Voltaire but some research indicates that it was actually Evelyn Beatrice Hall aka (SG. Tallentyreka) in reference to Voltaire's attitude-The Friends of Voltaire 1906) Certainly a noteworthy historical referent and global communication specialist.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Action Research Consolation

Okay, so things didn't go the way I planned. I didn't get everything I wanted out of my action research project. In fact, just like life can throw you a curve my Action research threw me a few.

The only thing I have as consolation is the change I was trying to make happen, while initiated by my actions, and stalled by "leadership" continued to happen as more people saw the value of it and THEY communicated to the leadership. At some point I discovered that what was out of MY control, was well within theirs. I have had to be flexible enough in my own leadership to let go, and let others carry the change.

Now that it is nearing end and as I prepare to move on to greener pastures I am able to see what I initiated being put forth by leadership as a good idea for all staff to invest time and energy in in the coming years.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Can you fight the wind?

If the change is right it will occur. Sometimes you're just the one who plants the seed, you don't get to see the harvest. It reminds me of Johnny Appleseed, popping seeds into the ground. He doesn't see them grow but someday when he gets old he might be back by and able to enjoy the shade and a tasty snack from his planting.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where do you see technology & education developing next? How do you think the symbiotic relationship

Where do you see technology & education developing next? How do you think the symbiotic relationship between the two will evolve over the next 10 years?

Technology will change education. As far as a 'symbiotic relationship': it just hasn't happened yet. There is a line of demarcation that exists still betwen the two and it wil not be easily overcome. Attitudes both within and outside schools keep it from happening. The relationship is at best, a bad 'tissue graft'.

What will be happening is that over the next ten years the school children now in school will become the decision makers of education, and saddled as they will be with the 'ideals of yesteryear' they will still see much of the technology they were denied access to in school to be a no brainer for inclusion. Additionally the old school administrators wil retire and students who would leave the house in their underwear before leaving without their cell phone will take their places.

The symbios of people and technology and its affect on education will be a result of administration turnover, and the resultant infusion of new genetic material.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

How can authentic learning tools improve student engagement and deepen learning? What does the

How can authentic learning tools improve student engagement and deepen learning? What does the

apprenticeship model tell us about learning?

Authentic learning tools act to mimic real life experience. Too often much of student learning is seen as being outside of experience. What use is this going to be to me when I am not in school. To be authentic means simply to be real. To apply the scaffolding model to the learning: if it isn;t real, it won't be retained or used in the long-term.

Apprenticeship is the ultimate in job learning-for good reason. All the theory in the world cannot prepare you for your first day in a new experience. Knowing what a pen, pencil or computer is, being able to recognize a keyboard, learning to add up columns of numbers, will only in the most basic and general terms allow you to be able to suceed.