Friday, February 15, 2008

Time 4 Mentoring?

It was interesting to discover this pearl of wisdom... almost as if mentoring itself needs to be allocated an employment status.

One of the greatest hurdles faculty identify to the actualization of mentoring is lack of time. Workloads shaped by teaching loads, large classes with attendant grading, along with publication and service expectations literally vacuum out a faculty member's discretionary time, particularly on campus. If mentoring is to occur, schools will need to allocate resources in such a way that faculty loads allow time for mentoring. In some schools, special funding is secured in order to fund the loading required for mentoring (

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FETC-Full Sail Notes

Full sail notes:
just another tech to work program.
NOT in the same vein as OMET
not educationally innovative
As a contrasting experience it may have been worthwhile. Certainly there were indicators that this school was "hot' but not that it was really innovative or demonstrated anything we see in OMET
Certainly I can find things that apply-but believe me I can do the same with just about anything.
incl. watching someone make a sandwich-because for me OMET is about life education. technology is a misunderstood and ignored part of our global life.
no gre no real admission process
If OMET limited itself to being just another tech-heavy program it wouldn't be as useful and would in a few years fade into "fad-dom"
This schools insistence on the hottest tech is just an attempt to stay ahead of the inevitable curve of obsolescence that dooms all such concrete materialistic endeavors to eventual failure.
The "Play-doh" approach.
my personal view of Omet is a reach for something more; something more constructivist, that works toward development and reflections of the abstracts of both social and learning research and ourselves; teaching us to develop them to a "malleable concretism" that we can use today and continue to mold as necessary for tomorrow.
Not all bad tough-some points:
ave points system.
real world tech.
top of the line equipment.
multi faceted approach all
all field areas explored**
historical training in obsolete included.
experimenting with a school to community approach
internship program.
Work for local stations-on the job training.
return to school as long as in the industry to re-train in new or updated software/HW.
**more about the technology than the education.
hottest, newest most expensive.
more about the job aspect/training and real world experience
providing "cross-curriculum" and thus "global" education in only an industry specific way.

Notes on TAO Mentoring

Art of possibility.
It's all invented.
giving an A

passion-bringin it
leadership from any chair.
to be a good leader you have to have the trust
than the whole organizatio
Leading from any Chair: The position that you hold in any organization will lack true meaning unless you are able to allow others to voice their opinions and concerns. Some leaders think that they are the only person who has a vision, idea or solution to a problem. Those who work for them are to be quiet and do as told. This lesion is about how to listen to those who are involved in caring out the vision of the organization. They see things differently, they have experienced life differently, and they have ideas. How much greatness are we willing to grant? The leader has more power when they listen and take ideas from any source that make the organization a better place and more productive in the long run.

rule 6 taking yourself 2 seriously. links
Giving an A:
grades are Comparison between people separates and categorizes but does not distinguish or characterize.
mentor mentor instead of mentor mentee. it is a relationship: that is what makes it work. One-upman ship has no role in mentoring. Acknowleding each others strenths and successes-not in contrast but in celebration.

Rule number 6
How serious do you make things out to be? Is it worth getting yourself so worked up about an issue that you no longer are able to see any solutions? This is my favorite rule. Life is always going to be a bumpy ride. So take each bump that comes along and figure out how you are going to get over it. Plan, practice, look ahead, and take time for yourself and smile. Relax, it will all work out, maybe not how you originally thought. It's life, enjoy and learn.
Empathy associative rather than directive

face value.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Standards-outcomes and EQ's

Good session with Melissa and cadre members in the 6o'clock session. Amazing how many of the teachers in our cadre-Ones I know are good teachers-have "managed" somehow to make it by without really keying their instruction to standards. Makes ya wonder huh? How necessary are they...(the standards etc-not these teachers!) How many of the standards-strung educators could be classed with this group? Not many I think...
So is the standard misapplied or just misunderstood? Is it too much to ask? Can we have accountability without a standard? Is that even a question that should be asked...Or has a misapplication of the standard and the role of accountability and assessment in education clouded the goals and outcomes of education as a whole. Looking backward: What would the "Essential Question" of the "lesson plan for American Education" look like? Do they really match the stated goals?